Vincent looked at the man for a second. Why was it that Exsolus was conversing with HIM, and not anyone else? It seemed like some sort of coincidence, because there were other patrons in the rest stop. Seeing as to how the man was suffering, Vincent decided to perform an act of kindness. "You are welcome to come in." He muttered to the man.
Exsolus walked in and propped himself up. "So, my good sir. What brings you to this hotel on this treacherous day?" Vincent asked the strange man. He really wanted to ask why he had come to this specific apartment, but restrained himself. Vincent also felt a dark aura from the man, as if though he executed a person in cold blood. He thought about all this while foraging for coffee beans.
Exsolus thought about murdering the man, but kept his composure. "I happened to be walking in the area when I saw this fine establishment. And if you are wondering how I found you, I was met with slamming doors and angry comments on the way." Vincent discovered the coffee beans. He was greatly halcyon, and off his guard. He lit 4 candles, their incandescent lights adding color to the room. He went to make coffee for the man and himself.
Vincent's sapphire-colored eyes glowed as he looked at the candles. He did not realize that Exsolus had left the the Hotel Room until a flashing light hampered his vision for several minutes. Vincent was immediatly met with flashing fires. He found himself at a windowpane, looking outside. There was a great fire, raging and engulfing everything it came in contact with. "Sweet mother of Gaia!" He yelled in disbelief. It seemed like a flash fire had erupted. He stared in horror as people ran out of the fire, literally burning alive. A great sickness of heart smote Vincent as the obstreperous screams for help filled the air. The sobering flicker of fire turned Vincent pale. Then to his greatest horror, he found a familiar man standing in front of the inferno.
"Has this the man I allowed into my house caused this cataclysm of epic proportions?!" Vincent thought. He was reticent to leave the apartment because he was afraid that the fire would kill him as well. He immediatly ran out of the hotel building to see Exsolus standing in front of the fire, admiring his work. "Ah, strange man!" He panted, his body to the ground as if though he were forsaking the world. "Are you going to destroy the entire city in this emission of slaughter?!"
Exsolus replied to the young man, "These people deserve to be slaughtered." Vincent stared in confusion. "Your statement is invalid. What have these people done to you that has made your rage blister?" Exsolus replied, "Nothing really." Vincent reprimanded the individual. "There are very horrible things going on in the world right now. I was recently told that a man has been sleeping with his mother. And you are proud of this anarchy! On the contrary, should you be filled with shame and regret? Therefore, my good sir, I ask that you turn away from your hateful ways."
"Tell me, Vincent. Why is your version of good better than mine? Also, what makes you think that I will change when YOU won't?" Exsolus replied. Vincent was dumbfounded. He really didn't know why he was keeping up this charade. Then an instantaneous rush of courage empowered Vincent to charge the individual. Little did he know that the man wielded a blade, which he plunged into Vincent's abdomen.
Vincent felt the blood pouring from his abdomen. Hopefully, no major damage was done. Vincent unsheathed his scythe and stepped back. He really didn't anticipate the action performed by his opponent. There was a rancid smell going in the air from the burnt carcasses of people that have died.